Description of Knowledge regarding the Application of Independent Isolation and the Application of the Covid-19 Protocol in the New Normal Era for Women of Fertile Age in Indonesia


  • Ida Rahmah Burhan Public Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University Padang
  • Abdiana Abdiana Public Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University Padang
  • Zurriyati Hanifa Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University Padang



The purpose of this study is to describe the knowledge regarding the application of self isolation and the application of the Covid-19 protocol in the new normal era in women of childbearing age. This type of research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted on 21-24 September 2020 via Google form. The study population was all women of childbearing age in Indonesia. The number of respondents was 1049 people. Data obtained using a validated questionnaire. Most of the respondents were aged over 15-31 years. The results showed that the knowledge of women of childbearing age regarding the application of independent isolation was still low ( 49.5% of those who answered the questionnaire correctly) , the knowledge of women of childbearing age regarding the application of the Covid-19 Protocol at home has reached 78.1% (high) and knowledge of women of childbearing age regarding the application of the Covid-19 Protocol in the workplace has reached 82% (high).

Keywords: Covid-19, Self-isolation, Covid-19 protocol


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