Relationship Between Pregnant Woman's Knowledge Level About Maternal Nutritional And Gestational Weight Gain In Puskesmas Banjardawa


  • Yoga Gusthi Pangestu1 Doctor Internship at Puskesmas Banjardawa , Pemalang , Central Java
  • Trisha Alya Rahmi Puskesmas Banjardawa , Pemalang , Central Java



gestational weight gain, pregnancy, maternal nutrition


Introduction: Gestational weight gain (GWG) is the weight gain of pregnant women during
pregnancy. Inadequate/excessive GWG can have an impact on fetal weight at birth. The 2019
MCH handbook includes a gestational weight gain chart, but the method of calculating the
body mass index is not included so that there are difficulties in filling out the chart and GWG
is not monitored.
Aims: to examine the relationship between the level of nutritional knowledge of pregnant
women and gestational weight gain.
Methods: This research is an analytic observational with cross sectional method. This
research was conducted in the working area of the UPT Puskesmas Banjardawa , namely
Banjaran Village, Banjardawa Village, Taman Village, Beji Village, and Pedurungan Village
in September - October 2022.
Result: Most of the pregnant women in the Banjardawa Health Center working area in 2022
were 26-35 years old, had low education level, middle to lower economic status, average
gestational age in the third trimester, and had no history of disease. Most pregnant women in
the working area of the Banjardawa Health Center in 2022 already have a good level of
knowledge about the nutrition of pregnant women, but have inappropriate gestational weight
gain. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was no significant relationship
between the knowledge level of pregnant women and gestational weight gain in pregnant
Conclusion : Health workers are expected to be able to provide motivation and information
about nutrition for pregnant women to pregnant women, so that they are expected to help
with appropriate gestational weight gain


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