The Relationship Compliance with Iron Tablet Consumption with the incidence of anemia in Pregnant Women in the working area of the Tanjung Pati Health Center, Nagari Sarilamak in 2022


  • Primadella Fegita Division of Health Sciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Baiturrahmah University, Padang, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Rizki Saputra Division of Health Sciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Baiturrahmah University, Padang, Indonesia;
  • Lathifah Ainil Hakim Students Faculty of Medicine Baiturrahmah University, Padang, Indonesia



Anemia, Pregnant Women, Compliance, Consumption of Iron Tablets


Backgrounds: Anemia prevention program for pregnant women in Indonesia by giving 90
iron tablets during pregnancy. However, pregnant women’s refuse or don’t comply with this
advice for various reasons so that prevalence of anemia in pregnant women is still high.
Purpose: To determine the relationship beetween adherence to consuming iron tablets and
the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in the Tanjung Pati Nagari Sarilamak Health
Center in 2022.
Methods : The scope of this research is Obstetrics and Gynecological science. The study was
conducted in June - July 2022. The type of research is cross sectional study. The affordable
population in the study was pregnant women in the Tanjung Pati Nagari Sarilamak Health
Center working area as many as 74 samples with accidental sampling technique. Univariate
data analysis is presented in the form of frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, data processing using the computerized SPSS version IBM 25.0.
Results: the highest pregnant women age is 20-35 years, which is 58 people (78.4%), the
highest education is high school, which is 32 people (43.2%). The highest parity pregnant
women is multipara, which is 30 people (40.5%), the highest gestational age in the 2nd
trimester, which is 35 people (47.3%), pregnant women who are not anemic, which is 60
people (81.1%), pregnant women with compliance consuming iron tablets was good, which is
58 people (78.4%), and the relationship between adherence to consuming iron tablets and the
incidence of anemia in pregnant women in the Tanjung Pati Nagari Sarilamak Health Center
Work Area in 2022 (p = 0.000).
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the compliance of pregnant women in
consuming iron tablets and the incidence of anemia in the Tanjung Pati Nagari Sarilamak
Health Center Work Area in 2022


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